Go Raibh Maith Agat
We are grateful to our supporters for empowering our mission and representing the best of Ireland in Chicago.
Sponsorship is designed to create opportunities and facilitate connections.
- Programs: Our events calendar supports 250+ members' business development while deepening their connections to Ireland and the local Irish and Chicago business communities. Annual events feature networking, thought leadership and volunteer opportunities designed to bring together more than 1,200 attendees in support of our larger mission.
- Partnerships: Our peer relationships with 25+ Irish-affiliated organizations increase exposure to their events and causes, deepen their reach and level of engagement among local Irish-born and Irish American audiences and, most significantly, cultivate the most robust, interconnected Irish community worldwide.
- Communications: Our digital communications efforts deepen awareness and understanding about the local Irish community and, more broadly, Ireland's economic and trade agenda. Our outreach list includes 2,500+ email subscribers and 4,500+ social media followers.
We are pleased to offer corporate sponsorship packages for interested companies.
Thank you to our past Ball Sponsors