Team Ireland in Chicago
This initiative is designed to provide members with important news and access to meaningful resources.
Share your policy-related questions with us and they may be included in our ongoing Q&A with Consul General Brian Cahalane!

Frequently Asked Questions to the Irish Consulate
How have consular services been impacted by COVID?
Although the Consulate office has been closed to the public for safety reasons during the pandemic, the Consulate team remains fully operational and continues to provide all regular services. We will not be able to answer individual queries through the Consulate Corner but if you have questions about individual applications etc. you can always reach us via phone at 312 337 2700 or the contact us section of our website
The Consulate does not play a role in the processing of Foreign Birth Registration applications, these are processed centrally by our colleagues in Ireland. Processing of Foreign Birth Registration resumed on a phased basis from 15 November 2021. Applications that have been sent to the FBR team have been securely held and will now be processed in strict date order. At present, due to the complex nature of the Foreign Birth Registration and the pause in the Service due to the Covid-19 restrictions you should allow approximately 2 years for processing of Foreign Birth Registration applications at this time. Further details on FBR can be found at this website. You can also contact the FBR office directly via webchat at this link.
Once you have received your FBR certificate, you can apply for an Irish passport. All passport applications should be made online. Please note if you have a parent born on the island of Ireland, then you are automatically an Irish citizen and can apply for an Irish passport at any time. Those with a grandparent born on the island need to complete Foreign Birth Registration before they can apply for a passport.
Can you recommend some local resources for Irish language learning and development?
We are very lucky in Chicago and the wider Midwest to have an extensive range of Irish language lessons on offer. When Minister Chambers visited Chicago recently he met with some of these Irish language groups as well as representatives from Universities in the region who offer Irish studies as part of their coursework.
If you are based in Chicago and interested in learning Irish we suggest you contact one of the groups here offering classes such as Na Gaeil based at the Irish American Heritage Center or Gaeilago based on the south side.
How do we stay up to date?
The Chicago Consulate is open to the public by appointment only from 10 am - 12 pm Mon - Fri. Please reach us through the 'Contact Us' section on this website to make an appointment. Thank you.
Check our events and Consulate services.
Ireland's Response to the War in Ukraine
What is Ireland's position on the Russian invasion into Ukraine?
Ireland continues to support the most robust response to Russia’s appalling violence, including directly against civilians, in Ukraine. There is agreement across the EU that we need to maintain the strongest possible pressure on Russia to end this war. A new EU sanctions package was adopted last week, introducing further restrictions on Russian financial services and the defence and security sector, plus a ban on imports of iron and steel products and exports of luxury goods. Ireland continues to work with EU partners to agree a further sanctions package in the short term.
The EU has already agreed a package of €500 million in military assistance for Ukraine. Ireland's share of €11million will go towards non-lethal elements. We are also providing 10 tonnes of ready-to-eat meals and 200 units of body armour to the Ukrainian military. States receiving the more than 3.5 million refugees who have left Ukraine have demonstrated tremendous solidarity and generosity and the humanity and the effectiveness of their response has been outstanding. The burden needs to be shared equitably amongst EU member states and Ireland will actively play its part.
Ireland’s efforts at the UN, EU, International Criminal Court, the Council of Europe -and across all multilateral institutions – are aimed at bringing an end to this war, ensuring accountability for violations of international humanitarian and human rights law and meeting the humanitarian needs of those caught in the conflict. The government is providing €20 million in humanitarian aid, as well as medical supplies. Those funds are already being disbursed through our partners in Ukraine and neighbouring countries.
As has been set out by the Taoiseach, Ireland fully supports Ukraine's application for EU Membership. EU leaders have acted swiftly in inviting the European Commission to submit its opinion on Ukraine's application to become a member and will strengthen the bonds and deepen the partnership between the EU and Ukraine.
The Irish people and Irish Government have shown great solidarity with the people of Ukraine. Indeed the Government has set up a whole series of resources online and at Dublin airport to assist those Ukrainians arriving in to Ireland, outlining the range of supports available and how to access them
Latest statement by the Government is available here:
Details on supports and services available for people arriving in Ireland from Ukraine are avialble here